Episode 79

Published on:

9th Feb 2022

5 Tech Issues That Drive Boomers Crazy

Ed Brazee, Jill Spencer, and Chris Toy from Boomer Tech Adventures are my guests on this episode.

BoomerTECH Adventures is all about serving boomers and seniors who want to feel competent and confident in their online skills while using their personal technology devices.

Here are the five tech issues that drive Boomers crazy that we cover in this episode.

1) Keeping passwords straight and the importance of knowing how to organize passwords. And remember that there's a difference between passwords and passcodes.

2) Once you get online, one of the things that everyone, especially seniors, should be concerned with is being safe, secure of aware online.

3) Accessibility features on our devices. A lot of people don't even know that these exist.

4) Becoming more self-reliant in terms of knowing how to ask the right questions about their devices or their technology.

5) How to use tech for fun.

Find out more about BoomerTECH Adventures on their website - https://www.boomertechadventures.com/

Email me, Lisa Stockdale, anytime at aginginfullbloom@gmail.com

Copyright 2025 Lisa Stockdale

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About the Podcast

Aging In Full Bloom
Aging In Full Bloom with Lisa Stockdale is dedicated exclusively to all forms of wellness as they relate to aging. This podcast will provide helpful insights that empower you, and maybe even entertain you from time to time.

Email us anytime at aginginfullbloom@gmail.com.