Episode 73

Published on:

10th Nov 2021

Heart Health Advice from Dr. Philip Ovadia - Stay Off My Operating Table

Most diet books teach you to set short-term weight loss goals. These “solutions” do a better job of lightening your wallet than lightening you.

As a heart surgeon who used to be morbidly obese, Dr. Philip Ovadia has seen firsthand the failures of mainstream diets and medicine. He realized that what helped him lose over 100 pounds was the same solution that could have prevented most of the thousands of open heart surgeries he has performed—metabolic health.

In Stay off My Operating Table, Dr. Ovadia shares the complete metabolic health system to prevent disease and optimize your health, a system that the diet and drug industries don’t want you to know about. Unlike quick-fix, “7-day,” radical diets, Dr. Ovadia’s approach is a sustainable, long-term solution that could work for you.

Whether you’ve suffered from chronic diseases or want to prevent them decades from now, Stay off My Operating Table could help you take back control of your health.

Email me, Lisa Stockdale, anytime at aginginfullbloom@gmail.com

Copyright 2025 Lisa Stockdale

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About the Podcast

Aging In Full Bloom
Aging In Full Bloom with Lisa Stockdale is dedicated exclusively to all forms of wellness as they relate to aging. This podcast will provide helpful insights that empower you, and maybe even entertain you from time to time.

Email us anytime at aginginfullbloom@gmail.com.