Episode 76

Published on:

22nd Dec 2021

Patti Davis, Ronald Reagan’s Daughter, Offers Caregiver Advice

My guest is Patti Davis, the daughter of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan.

When Patti's father announced his Alzheimer’s diagnosis in an address to the American public in 1994, the world had not yet begun speaking about this cruel, mysterious disease.

Empowered by all she learned from caring for her father―about the nature of the illness, but also about the loss of a parent―Davis founded a support group for the family members and friends of Alzheimer’s patients. Along with a medically trained co-facilitator, she met with hundreds of exhausted and devastated attendees to talk through their pain and confusion.

Her book, Floating in the Deep End: How Caregivers can See Beyond Alzheimer's, discusses her experiences to provide her unique experience of battling Alzheimer’s.


Email me, Lisa Stockdale, anytime at aginginfullbloom@gmail.com

Copyright 2025 Lisa Stockdale

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About the Podcast

Aging In Full Bloom
Aging In Full Bloom with Lisa Stockdale is dedicated exclusively to all forms of wellness as they relate to aging. This podcast will provide helpful insights that empower you, and maybe even entertain you from time to time.

Email us anytime at aginginfullbloom@gmail.com.